We honor our Clergy & Educators
Every day, the Seventh-day Adventist Church family, as well as the community, benefits from the sacrificial dedication of our clergy, educators, and chaplains. They guide us, teach us, and comfort us with the wisdom, knowledge, and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ. As an expression of our appreciation for their service, the Church would like to honor those beloveds who have passed away with a Memorial Medallion of Honor. We honor them because their exemplary lives honored Christ.
The Adventist Memorial Medallion of Honor
Why a Medallion of Honor
To “honor” is to show respect and appreciation, to recognize a person’s achievement and character. Those who have served our Church as clergy and educators have done so with lives which honored Christ. So just as we honor their lives, we honor the Lord whom they served, and in whose power they served.
There are two versions of the brass Medallion which bears either the inscription. “Seventh-day Adventist Clergy” or “Seventh-day Adventist Educator.” In the center is our Church logo of the word of God, across and flames, and below that are the words, ‘Til He Comes” signifying our hope is in the return of our risen Lord Jesus Christ.
The Medallion can be affixed to a cemetery grave marker or placed on display in your home as a perpetual testament to a loved one’s service and our hope in the second coming of Christ.
Who is Eligible for a Medallion of Honor?
The Medallion of Honor is available to all vested clergy and educators who served the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as those who served as Seventh-day military, hospital, and prison chaplains.
The Medallion comes with a Certificate which may be presented by an administrator or departmental director at the funeral or memorial service.
For relatives who died since January 1, 2017
Families who would like to receive a Medallion for clergy or educators, who died since January 1, 2017, may request a Medallion from the conference executive secretary, ministerial director, or education superintendent of the last place of employment. To receive a Medallion for deceased chaplains contact the NAD Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries.
For relatives who died on or before December 31, 2016
Families who would like to receive a Medallion for clergy or educators who died prior to January 1, 2017, may purchase one from AdventSource for $99. For approval please fill out the application.
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